12 August 2006

a completely unnecessary poem

Summer having sex with mirrors
the only thing worse than a man who can’t give an orgasm is a man who can’t have one
(really really have one)
with mirrors is clean/dirty fun
did I say alone? I meant to.
Oh hell, the kid gloves are off.
start the races, boys, I’m moving up in the world.
I better hear it from you. Say it like you mean it. Feel it this time.
Whats my motivation?

If my life were a ride at Disney World

The sign would say
Warning: not for the faint of heart, those suffering from stability. No pregnant women.

I think its about time I febreeze my large vascular organ
(I think the most terrible phrase ever invented is ‘alienation of affection’)
oh spite, oh gracious.


B Boutwell said...

"The sign would say
Warning: not for the faint of heart, those suffering from stability."

I like that. And the poem.

denielle said...

ha, "no pregnant women."
very cool poem