29 March 2006

peshee-eh man-eh

Shila joon
you are my rhythm and blues
in your red cowboy boots
and goddess eyes
from lola leigh to lola laa
make it up pick it up
where’s your passport?
my Atlanta lemur
only one
remember when we drank habibis in the bathtub?
(that was the best night of my life)
i’m lowering the rent in my shoulder blade,wanna
have a look?

Oh Story, you’re a story
and the only one with more identities than me.
I’ll always be your Persian party trick
you make it happen
there’s magic in your flase eyelashes.


B Boutwell said...

Pure music Brandy.

hardyf said...

cool. im lowering the rent in my shoulder blade = golden.
prague sounds as if it were. love to un. if you want, blue, send me yr email address cuz im sending a e-collection out of some po peeps round here.

denielle said...
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denielle said...

oops, that was me. laptop mouse is satanic... what i meant to say is:
"lola leight to lola laa"
that's fantastic. and the bit about lowering the rent in your shoulder blade too.

Bebe said...

merci a tous les trois.

persians say 'merci' also. nice word, huh?