29 June 2008

text message inbox poem; a lesson in rendez-vous

Question: whats the university downtown nola?

Be there asap - yo got into a fight with a fellow q-er

hey honey lets go to the soldes this weekend!

compte principale épuisé. pensez a appeller le 224 pour recharger.

je suis invite?
try to find a taxi baby

nous sommes a gare montparnasse

i love you too-- ne me trompe pas stp

want to meet at scossa at 6 30 or so? biz

j'arrive ma cherie


i finally understand housewives

because i need one

19 June 2008

the bright side

it is still blue

hate to say - - i told me so


it hurts:

my heart.

tu dis des mots automatiques pendant que mon coeur brise.